Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I have been neglecting my blog, I have been so busy lately. On June 12th, I graduated from Western Oregon University. My wonderful family came to support me and got very sunburnt! We had a great graduation/engagement party at David's parents house afterwards where both our families and friends helped us celebrate. We are lucky to have such wonderful people in our lives!

In other news, I moved! I was sad to leave my Monmouth apartment and roommate but excited to not be living four hours away from David and my parents anymore. It was awful packing and carrying boxes down the flights of stairs. My things barely fit into the U-Haul, my Jeep and my mom's car were packed, not to mention it was very hot that day. But we made it. I am still currently staying at my parents because our house is in renovation mode. We are hoping to be in there full time in the next few weeks. It is in Medford in a great neighborhood. We have been painting, putting in new windows, cleaning, putting in doors, and David will be putting in the hardwood floors this week, we are not sure how that is going to go. I am excited to decorate and be settled in and I will be posting pictures of our progress and of course once it is finished. We have two great roommates that will be joining us in September.

I am still job searching and trying to survive on NO money, I keep applying for teaching jobs and am keeping all my fingers crossed. I am also getting on the sub lists for four school districts in the area. I got my teaching license in the mail yesterday and am just wishing and waiting for my own classroom...

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking about your blog today! I hope that we can see you guys soon, and I am sorry that we haven't been down to help you with ANYTHING! I hope you can get your own classroom, but if not, you will be the greatest substitute teacher ever!! Love you friend!

    P.S. Good luck with the floors Dave!

    P.S.S. Rafting soon? Gustav's soon? Whale Wars soon? But seriously, about Whale Wars-I LOVE IT. And now Wade and I have to wait until season 3 comes out on Netflix.. which will be forever!
